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丽水浙数软件发现了PHP 5.5.2 和 php 5.4.18 发布_公司新闻_浙数科技

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丽水浙数软件发现了PHP 5.5.2 和 php 5.4.18 发布

来源: 发布时间:2018-04-17 2273 次浏览


下面小编就为大家带来一篇丽水浙数软件发现了PHP 5.5.2 和 php 5.4.18 发布小编觉得挺不错的,现在就分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧

丽水浙数软件发现了PHP 5.5.2 和 php 5.4.18 发布,现在把这条讯息分享给大家
PHP 5.5.2 PHP开发小组宣布发布。大约20个bug是修复,包括安全问题,OpenSSL中的模块和会话机制问题(CVE-2013-4248)(CVE-2011-4718)。鼓励所有的PHP用户升级到这个版本。下载:http://www.php.net/downloa... PHP 5.5.2 PHP开发小组宣布发布。大约20个bug是修复,包括安全问题,OpenSSL中的模块和会话机制问题(CVE-2013-4248)(CVE-2011-4718)。鼓励所有的PHP用户升级到这个版本。 下载:http://www.php.net/downloads.php   修复的内容包括   Core: Fixed bug #65372 (Segfault in gc_zval_possible_root when return reference fails). Fixed value of FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS constant (previously was erroneously set to FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS value). Fixed bug #65304 (Use of max int in array_sum). Fixed bug #65291 (get_defined_constants() causes PHP to crash in a very limited case). Fixed bug #62691 (solaris sed has no -i switch). Fixed bug #61345 (CGI mode - make install don't work). Fixed bug #61268 (--enable-dtrace leads make to clobber Zend/zend_dtrace.d). DOM: Added flags option to DOMDocument::schemaValidate() and DOMDocument::schemaValidateSource(). Added LIBXML_SCHEMA_CREATE flag. OPcache: Added opcache.restrict_api configuration directive that may limit usage of OPcahce API functions only to patricular script(s). Added support for glob symbols in blacklist entries (?, *, **). Fixed bug #65338 (Enabling both php_opcache and php_wincache AVs on shutdown). Openssl: Fixed handling null bytes in subjectAltName (CVE-2013-4248). PDO_mysql: Fixed bug #65299 (pdo mysql parsing errors). Phar: Fixed bug #65028 (Phar::buildFromDirectory creates corrupt archives for some specific contents). Pgsql: Fixed bug #62978 (Disallow possible SQL injections with pg_select()/pg_update() /pg_delete()/pg_insert()). Fixed bug #65336 (pg_escape_literal/identifier() silently returns false). Sessions: Implemented strict sessions RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/strict_sessions) which protects against session fixation attacks and session collisions (CVE-2011-4718). Fixed possible buffer overflow under Windows. Note: Not a security fix. Changed session.auto_start to PHP_INI_PERDIR. SOAP: Fixed bug #65018 (SoapHeader problems with SoapServer). SPL: Fixed bug #65328 (Segfault when getting SplStack object Value). Added RecursiveTreeIterator setPostfix and getPostifx methods. Fixed bug #61697 (spl_autoload_functions returns lambda functions incorrectly). Streams: Fixed bug #65268 (select() implementation uses outdated tick API).
大家赶紧修复吧 和下载最新版本,体验最新的PHP技术.丽水浙数软件

丽水浙数软件发现了PHP 5.5.2 和 php 5.4.18 发布就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多关注明清阁中式装修。

相关标签: 义乌 发现 软件 PHP php
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